How To Deal With Hair Loss

Hair Loss, Hair, Old, Balding, People, Tips for Overcoming Hair Loss

Strong and healthy hair is the thing everyone wants but hair loss is everyone's problem and even considered normal, until hair loss is less noticed, but this problem can lead to premature baldness.

If hair falls every day from the scalp it is natural, but what is not natural is the amount of it, which means there are problems on the scalp, hair health experts argue that the amount of hair that falls between 50 – 100 strands of hair is still relatively normal, and will be replaced with new hair but if this newly grown hair does not appear then this can be problematic.

And the causes of hair loss also vary quite, either due to iron deficiency, hormonal changes, anemia, fatigue stress, rarely shampooing, fatigue, to inappropriate hair care and also due to inappropriate use of sampho, as well as lack of nutrients.

Here is a way to reduce even hair loss:

1. Don't often – shampoo often

Maintaining hair health in a shampooy way is good, but do not be too routine this is because the hair health products sold contain chemicals, even shampoos that are organic as well, at least contain about 10% alcohol in the ingredients – the ingredients mixed in the product are useful to neutralize dandruff as well as germs on the scalp.

2. Do not tie hair too tight

Shampoo products may be able to cope with hair from loss, but it is still free when treating hair harshly, either combing it, shampooing for too long, even locking the hair too tight, this can also cause hair to fall out, when the hair is tied too tight then the roots of the hair will automatically be attracted, and make the hair easy to break and fall out.

3. Aloe vera

Overcoming hair loss with aloe vera plants is very natural and even often used by parents, even shampoo products also some use aloe vera. How to use aloe vera to overcome hair loss is to take the gel and apply hair, let stand for 15 - 20 minutes, then rinse, do this twice a week for satisfactory results.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt can be used as a solution of hair loss other than as food and drink, undernourished and dry hair is a problem experienced by everyone, this is due to lack of nutritional intake so as to make the roots in the hair fall apart, the way to apply yogurt on the hair then let stand for 10 minutes for the yoghurt to permeate, then rinse with warm water.

5. Egg whites

Sulphur content in egg whites can control sebum and also reduce hair loss, how to apply using a mask brush then apply smpai to the forehead , wait until dry rinse using warm water, so that the hair does not smell then wash the hair with shampoo.

6. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is claimed to overcome hair loss, depending on the condition of the scalp.

The way if the head is oily then massage coconut oil on the skin for a few minutes and do not massage the hair too strongly because it damages the hair, after which it shampooes. Coconut oil can also make hair more shiny and make hair grow faster.

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